Thursday, January 25, 2007

the word list

1 media/interface
2 infrastructure
3 hybrid/ambiguity
4 network
5 fabric
6 system
7 sustainability
8 metamorphosis
9 emergence
10 ghetto/slum
11 utopia
12 globalization
13 modern

by next monday, email me the following - this system is a little odd but it should avoid ties etc.

you have a budget of 100 points. Spend them on 3 words of your choice, for example (using different words)

turnip 90 points
cauiliflower 5 points
squash 5 points.

This would mean in the vegetable word stakes I would -really- want to get turnip. If I was more equivocal I would do 40/30/30. etc. If you are willing to risk more points on your top word, you increase the chance of getting it, but then are more likely to get something you don't want if you lose that one.

twins like ghetto/slum count as 2 words, though we'll do them the same week just with two people.

We'll use a simpler solution for dates - just list the following dates in order of preference in the same email or post.

Feb 1 / 8 / 15 / 22 / Mar 1 / 8 / 15 / Apr 5 / 12 / 19 / 26 / May 3

If you only list one date vs. a 1st 2nd 3rd etc. preference, I will assign a date to you if your first choice is not available.